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Video • 1994 GPS Lab B-Roll Video Segments

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GPS Lab B-Roll Video

1994 GPS Lab airplane landing photo

A set of video segments showing all aspects of the GPS-related technologies used in automated airplane navigation, takeoffs and landings in 1994. These video segments feature the team of graduate students from the Stanford University GPS Lab who pioneered and developed these global positioning and autonomous airplane landing technologies.

These B-Roll segments include:

  1. Concept Diagram—static and animated

  2. Exterior video of autonomous landings of a United Airlines Boeing 737 airplane, including images of integrity beacon towers on the ground

  3. Cockpit view of the Boeing 737 during autonomous landings

  4. Cabin view of the Boeing 737 during autonomous landings

  5. Video of the various GPS antennae on the plane

  6. Closeups of circuit boards and other hardware

  7. Video of Stanford graduate students working on the ground during autonomous landings

  8. Interviews with Ray Swider (FAA), William Loewe (United Airlines Captain), Clark Cohen (Stanford Aero-Astro PhD), Gerald Aubrey (United Airlines)

Video courtesy of the Stanford University Archives