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Magazine Articles

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Below is a list of GPS-related articles that have been published in trade journals.

These articles are displayed in chronological sections, sorted by year of publication and within each annual section, the papers are listed alphabetically by first author.

Click on any title displayed in bold blue text either to view/download the presentation paper's PDF file or to open a publisher's website page for that publication.

20242023202220212020201920172016| 2015| 2013| 2012| 2011| 2010| 2009| 2008| 2007| 2006| 20052004


Liu, Zixi, Lo, Sherman, Blanch, Juan, Chen, Yu-Hsuan, Walter, Todd, and Pullen, Sam
GNSS Spoofing and Jamming in Eastern Europe
Inside GNSS March 26, 2024

Oak, Sukrut
Humanity's Journey Towards Precise Navigation
The Overview May 24, 2024

Liu, Zixi, Lo, Sherman, Walter, Todd, and Pullen, Sam
What has been learned recently about GNSS RF jamming and spoofing events? What tools are available online to track and investigate these events?
Inside GNSS November 26, 2024


Wang, Rebecca, Walter, Todd, and Pullen, Sam
What are typical features of GNSS satellite faults in recent years? Are there any differences between satellite constellations?
Inside GNSS March 20, 2023

Liu, Zixi, Lo, Sherman, Walter, Todd, and Blanch, Juan
GNSS Interference: Getting to the Source
Inside GNSS May 26, 2023

Patil, Akshata, Phelts, R. Eric, Chen, Yu-Hsuan, Lo, Sherman, and Walter, Todd
Can RF interference to GNSS signals be generated by satellites in orbit? Has this occurred, and how can it be detected?
Inside GNSS November 27, 2023

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Pullen, Sam, Walter, Todd, Blanch, Juan, and Wang, Rebecca
What commitments have the various constellation providers made to GNSS users regarding the integrity of their signals and services? How are these commitments transmitted to users, and how can they be updated if circumstances require?
Inside GNSS May 24, 2022

Liu, Zixi, Lo, Sherman, and Walter, Todd
Protecting GNSS for Safe Aviation
Inside GNSS August 8, 2022

Taleghani, Leila, Rothmaier, Fabian, Chen, Yu-Hsuan, Lo, Sherman, Walter, Todd, Akos, Dennis, Granite Gattis, Benon, and Langley, Richard B.
Innovation: Monitoring GNSS interference and spoofing — a low-cost approach
Published in GPS World, August 17, 2022

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Walter, Todd, Blanch, Juan, and Norman, Laura B.
Innovation: Ionospheric corrections for precise point positioning
Published in GPS World, August 1, 2021

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Gunning, Kaz
Webinar Recap: Antennas for Autonomous Automotive Applications
Inside GNSS February 3, 2020

Lo, Sherman
Webinar Recap: CRPAs Protect Critical Infrastructure: How to Test 
InsideGNSS May/June 2020, pp. 42-45

Neish, Andrew and Walter, Todd
Securing GNSS – A Trip Down Cryptography Lane
Inside GNSS May 2020

Phelts, R. Eric, Gunning, Kazuma, Blanch, Juan, and Walter, Todd
Innovation: Improving ARAIM
Published in GPS World, June 13, 2020

Pullen, Sam
What freeware or open-source software packages are available to support GNSS performance evaluations?
Inside GNSS January 26, 2020

Gunning, Kaz, Blanch, Juan, Walter, Todd, de Groot, Lance, and Norman, Laura
Design and Evaluation of Integrity Algorithms for PPP in Kinematic Applications
Inside GNSS June 15 2019

Lawrence, David, Cobb, H. Stewart, Gutt, Greg, O’Connor, Michael, Reid, Tyler G.R., Walter, Todd, and Whelan, David
Navigation from LEO, Current Capability and Future Promise
Published in GPS World, July 2017, pp. 42-48.

Lo, Sherman, Chen, Yu-Hsuan, Reid, Tyler, Perkins, Adrien, Walter, Todd, and Enge, Per
Consumer Mass Market Accelerometers for GNSS Anti-Spoofing
Published in Inside GNSS, September/October 2017, pp. 62-71.

Walter, Todd, Blanch, Juan, and Kropp, Victoria
Satellite Selection for Aviation Users of Multi-Constellation SBAS
Inside GNSS November/December 2016

McMilin, Emily B., Chen, Yu-Hsuan, De Lorenzo, David S., Akos, Dennis M., Walter, Todd, Lee, Thomas H., and Enge, Per K
Single Antenna, Dual Use: Theory and Field Trial Results for Aerial Applications of Anti-Jam and Spoof Detection
Published in Inside GNSS, September/October 2015, pp. 40-53.

Spicer, James, Perkins, Adrien L. H., Dressel, Louis K., James, Mark, Chen, Yu-Hsuan, Lo, Sherman C., De Lorenzo, David S., and Enge, Per K
Jammer Hunting with a UAV
Published in GPS World, May 2015, pp. 30-38.

Walter, Todd
GNSS Augmentations
Published in Inside GNSS, October 15, 2015.

Chen, Yu-Hsuan, Lo, Sherman, Akos, Dennis, De Lorenzo, David, and Enge, Per
Getting Control: Off-the-Shelf Antennas for Controlled-Reception-Pattern Antenna Arrays
Published in GPS World, February 2013.

Borowski, Holly, Isoz, Oscar, Eklöf, Fredrik Marsten, Lo, Sherman C., and Akos, Dennis M
Detection of False GNSS Signals Using AGC
Published in GPS World in April 2012.

Narins, Mitch, Lombardi, Michael, Enge, Per, Peterson, Ben, Lo, Sherman C., and Akos, Dennis M
The Need for a Robust Precise Time and Frequency Alternative to Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Published in GPS World in November 2012.

Pullen, Samuel P. and Gao, Grace X
GNSS Jamming in the Name of Privacy: Potential Threat to GPS Aviation
Published in Inside GNSS, March/April 2012, pp. 34-43.

Walter, et al
Innovation: Ionospheric Scintillations
Published in GPS World, April 2012, pp. 44-50.

Walter, Todd
GNSS Augmentations: When A Signal in Space Isn't Enough
Published in Inside GNSS, September/October 2012.

Gao, Grace Xingxin, Heng, Liang, Walter, Todd, and Enge, Per K
Breaking the Ice: Navigation in the Arctic
Published in Inside GNSS, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 60-64, Sept/Oct 2011.

Heng, Liang, Gao, Grace Xingxin, Walter, Todd, and Enge, Per K
Digging into GPS Integrity: Charting the Evolution of Signal-in-Space Performance by Data Mining 400,000,000 Navigation Messages
Published in GPS World, Vol. 22, No. 11 pp. 44-9, November 2011.

Pullen, Samuel P., Walter, Todd, and Enge, Per K
Integrity for Non-Aviation Users
Published in GPS World, July 2011.

Phelts, R. Eric, Gao, Grace Xingxin, Wong, Gabriel H. W., Heng, Liang, Walter, Todd, and Enge, Per K. (Stanford University), Erker, Stafen, and Thoelert, Steffen (DLR-German Aerospace Center)
Aviation Grade: Chips off the Block IIF (Evaluating the IIF-1 for Aviation Users)
Published in Inside GNSS July/August 2010.

Thoelert, Steffen and Erker, Stafen (DLR-German Aerospace Center), Heng, Liang, Phelts, R. Eric, Gao, Grace Xingxin, Wong, Gabriel H. W., Walter, Todd, and Enge, Per (Stanford University)
On the Air: New Signals from the First GPS IIF Satellite
Published in Inside GNSS July/August 2010.

Walter, Todd, Enge, Per and Blanch, Juan A
Future Augmented
Published in GPS World March 2010.

Gao, Grace Xingxin, Heng, Liang, De Lorenzo, David S., Lo, Sherman C., Akos, Dennis M., Chen, Alan, Walter, Todd, Enge, Per K., and Parkinson, Bradford W.
Modernization Milestone: Observing the First GPS Satellite with an L5 Payload
Published in Inside GNSS, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 60-64, May/June 2009.

Lo, Sherman C., De Lorenzo, David S., Enge, Per K., Akos, Dennis M., and Bradley, Paul
Signal Authentication: A Secure Civil GNSS for Today
Published in Inside GNSS, Sept/Oct 2009, pp. 30-39.

Gao, Grace Xingxin, Akos, Dennis M., Walter, Todd, and Enge, Per K
GIOVE-B on the Air: Understanding Galileo's New Signals
Published in Inside GNSS, May/June2008.

Walter, Todd, Blanch, Juan, Enge, Per, Pervan, Boris, and Gratton, Livio
Shaping Aviation Integrity: Two RAIMs for Safety
Published in GPS World, Vol. 19, nr 4, April 2008.

Gao, Grace Xingxin, Chen, Alan. Lo, Sherman C., De Lorenzo, David S., and Enge, Per K.
GNSS over China: The Compass MEO Satellite Codes
Published in Inside GNSS, July/August 2007, pp. 36-43.

Lo, Sherman C., Peterson, Benjamin B., and Enge, Per K.
Loran Data Modulation: A Primer
Published in IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Tutorial IV, September 2007.

Qiu, Di, Lo, Sherman C., and Enge, Per K.
Security for Insecure Times: Geoencryption with Loran
Published in GPS World November 2007.

Walter, Todd, and Powell, J. David
Satellite-based approaches facilitate more efficient inspection process
Published in ICAO Journal, Vol 61, No 2, March/April 2006

Enge, Per K.
The End of the Beginning
Published in GPS World December 2005.

Enge, Per
Retooling the Global Positioning System
Published in Scientific American May 2004.