Software Tools
The pages in this section contain software and related tools used in GPS Lab research.
MatLab Algorithm Availability Simulation Tool (MAAST)
MAAST is a publicly available, customizable MATLAB toolset for simulating WAAS confidence estimation algorithms and evaluating their effects on service availability.
Stanford University GPS Laboratory Ephemeris Files (SUGL)
These files are in RINEX format and contain GPS navigation data that have been processed as described in Dr. Liang Heng's thesis. They are derived from the IGS navigation data files which are then cross-compared to eliminate erroneous data. These files have not all been manually validated and may still contain some incorrect information.
Two-Step Gaussian Overbounding Algorithm
These MatLab scripts implement the two-step gaussian overbound algorithm described in our 2017 ION GNSS+ paper. The scripts determine gaussian overbounding distributions by combining cdf bounding and paired overbounding. This combination removes important limitations in the two main results used in overbounding. It is based on the determination of an intermediate overbounding distribution that is symmetric and unimodal, but not gaussian.
View Gaussian Overbounding page
Stanford GPS/GNSS MatLab Platform
This platform is an integrated research platform for utilizing numerous positioning databases. It is intended to function as a platform providing an universal access to various formats of GPS/GNSS data such as NSTB, NMEA, and RINEX. Example databases include the NSTB stations that collect GPS information continuously in tens of sites and web-available and open to public.